Books by Mari

Mari has co-authored Stepping Stones to Success, where experts sharte strategies for mastering business, life and relationships.  Her co-authors include Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield adn Dr. Dennis Waitley.  In this book, Mari explains how to “Negotiate Your Path to Success,” using negotiation and mediation techniques to “bargain for what we want,” and create mutally satisfying agreements.

With the intent of sharing her techniques on healing conflict through negotiation and mediation, Mari has published several books.  Her textbook for law students, Negotiation Breakthroughs, shares her expereinces and expertise as a neutral in negotiations, to promote negotiation and mediation as an alternative to litigation, and as a means of healing conflict.  Presently, Mari teaches courses in the Conflict Resolution Department of the University of California, Irvine, most recently a course on Negotiation and Mediation (Winter 2011).

Mari is also a Certified Information Privacy Professional, and has lent her privacy and identity theft expertise to many other projects. Mari is the author of the Identity Theft Survival Kit , the audiocassette series Identity Theft Prevention and Survival, the book From Victim to Victor: A Step by Step Guide for Ending the Nightmare of Identity theft With CD, and the booklet Privacy Piracy (Office Depot, 1999). She has also written a chapter in Protection Security, and Safeguard (CRC, 2000) and the Introduction for Consumer Financial Privacy (LRP Publications) as well as a chapter in the 2003 State Bar of California Business Section Book. She is also the author of  Safeguard Your Identity: Protect Yourself with a Personal Privacy Audit  She has also provided oral and written testimony and has published many articles regarding privacy and identity theft issues.

 Visit Mari’s Author Profile here.