Posted on: October 16th, 2017 by admin No Comments

As an internationally-known teacher of Reiki Masters Rashmi Khilnani has channeled many of humanities greatest Ascended Masters, from Quan Yin to Buddha to Jesus. But her Most Supreme Master is Shiva, or Maha Avatar Babaji, with whom she has been conversing, during this lifetime, for more than fifteen years.  In her new book, Shiva Speaks, this remarkable connection with the Divine shares these conversations with the world.

Maha Avatar Babaji has assumed many forms over the centuries but for his followers he is All and in all, the Christ Yogi, who will remain with us until all of humanity has achieved Enlightenment or “the moving out of the consciousness of linear time and space unto the Eternal Now.”   The coming Age of Light requires many changes within us that must start with releasing ourselves of all dysfunctional attachments and illusions.   As the illusion of control becomes harder to sustain with what many sense to be the collapse of world order Shiva’s instruction becomes ever more critical if we are to transform ourselves and enter the Age of Aquarius.

Love is at the core of Babaji’s teachings.”   And with this, the author and her beloved Babaji begin to lead us into a deeper understanding of our true relationship with the universe and the nature of the god/goddess that resides within each of us. He speaks of the importance of self-love and its role in understanding how all things are connected and of the courage needed to uncover life-acquired attachments and learn to let them go. Judgment, evaluation, and analysis are all products of the dysfunctional aspect of our lives and leaving them behind opens us up to the beauty and love of the universe.

In this fresh, bold, and practical dialogue Shiva instructs the reader on how to develop their own powers of inner knowing and allow the spiritual being within to grow.  Filled with wisdom, love, and eternal compassion, Shiva Speaks helps the seeker to strip away fear, self–doubt, and other self-destructive habits and replace them with our authentic selves.

Rashmi Khilnani is an internationally known healer, teacher, lecturer, author, artist, and television personality.  She is in the forefront in bringing the ancient Mystery School  teachings of Egypt, India, Tibet and China, as well as the teachings of the Essenes, into current time and making these wisdoms simple and accessible to people at all levels of soul journeying. She has appeared on numerous national and international radio and television shows and is the executive producer of a new documentary film, IGod. Rashmi is the author of The best-selling The Divine Mother Speaks: The Healing of the Human Heart and Buddha Speaks: To The Buddha Nature Within

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