Posted on: February 5th, 2018 by admin No Comments

Author Barry Eaton, well-known Australian radio & TV personality and psychic medium, bears his soul in this heart-warming account of overcoming the odds and uncovering the strength of the human spirit during his life-threatening illness.


In The Joy of Living: Postponing the Afterlife, we join Barry in his personal journey as he discovers how to do battle with the cancer trying to kill him. Confronting the fears surrounding this dreaded diagnosis, Barry unfolds his story with personal insights from partner, Anne, and son, Matt, as they support him throughout the journey. The reader is drawn into sharing the most intimate details of his life as we travel with Barry from the shock of diagnosis to the trauma of treatment and on to eventual survival. We marvel at his descriptions of how he learned to balance holistic and modern medicine to aid recovery. Drawing on support from the spirit world to help him deal with his challenges and survive the ordeal, Barry begins to develop a deeper understanding of his life’s purpose. Peppered with the sort of amusing anecdotes and vivid recollections only a seasoned raconteur could muster, Barry reveals how we all can—and must!—learn to appreciate the joy of living…even in the face of death.

BARRY EATON is a well-known radio and TV presenter, author and journalist, spending most of his career at ABC and various commercial stations in Sydney, Australia. He is also an astrologer, medium, and psychic intuitive, and Radio Out There, his interactive internet radio program, allows his guests to share their metaphysical knowledge to the world.


Barry, who studied mediumship at the Arthur Findlay College in the UK, is also an acclaimed writer who has scripted and narrated many documentary films and corporate presentations. As well, he is credited with numerous feature stories for magazines and newspapers based on his expertise in travel, entertainment, astrology, and spirituality.


One of his very popular previous books is No Goodbyes (Tarcher/Penguin, 2015), and Afterlife: Uncovering the Secrets of Life After Death (Tarcher/Penguin, 2013), his first book, is a classic among spiritual readers around the world.

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