Posted on: October 7th, 2019 by admin No Comments

Sparrow Hart, founder of Circles of Air and Stone, began exploring nature and wilderness in 1971 with a 5-month solo pilgrimage through the Cascades and Canadian Rockies, and he undertook his first vision quest in 1980. Over the last 38 years he has led over 180 small-group vision quests and undertaken over 35 quests of his own.

He-s the author of Letters to the River: A Guide to a Dream Worth Living and The Vision Quest, A Guide’s Training Manual. In addition, he’s considered a leader in the field of men’s awareness and emotional growth, having created the Mythic Warrior Training and the Men’s Wisdom Council — two men’s programs that have run for over 25 years – and he’s a frequent workshop leader in the United States and Mexico.

Sparrow believes that living your dreams and coming into your own path and authenticity can’t happen until the wounds of childhood are healed. Those wounds must be addressed and dealt with before our souls can flower and flourish, and we can begin to move forward. Over 3-1/2 decades Sparrow has become an authority in this important and necessary work, developing process and practices that “join heaven and earth” – that bring the uplifting insights of the transcendent spiritual traditions to bear on the nitty-gritty conditions of the lives we have to lead today.

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